How to make nails stronger?

Our nails like everything else also need of care, especially if they are constantly treated with varnish and other products. They begin to crack and grow weaker and yellow, which is definitely noticeable. How to make nails stronger? Here are some ways to make them again healthy and vigorous.

1.Lemon juice and olive oil

You can make a mixture of easy to find ingredients - lemon juice and olive oil which will strengthen your nails. What you need are a few drops of lemon juice and one tablespoon of olive oil.

Then rub the mixture in and around your nails. You can do this by using cotton gloves if it is easier for you. It is best to do it at night so you can sleep with them. If you do this exercise twice a week, your nails will definitely be much healthier.

2. Black pepper

Black pepper can help many for a sexy manicure. This mixture is very strong so be careful. Take ten drops of cold water, sour cream and pepper. Apply the mixture around the nails and remain so for 15-20 minutes. It is recommended to use gloves, mainly because of the ingredients. Just remember not to touch your eyes. And this is a method that should be used just once a month.

3. Lemon juice and salt

How to make nails stronger by using the unique combination of lemon juice and salt? Here is the answer. As we have seen lemon juice has a wonderful effect on your nails. This time it mixes with salt - just a pinch will do and a spoon lemon juice. Use a brush to apply and allow 15-20 minutes to work. You can use this trick 2-3 times a week and you will see the amazing result.

4. Sea ​​salt

Sea salt also contains healing ingredients. This method includes a bath for your nails with sea salt. Take a bowl of warm water and a tablespoon of salt. You simply have to dip your nails for about 20 minutes and then to dry the nails and to brush them with a healing cream. It is advisable to do this ten days, then rest for one month and again repeat ...

5. Beeswax

And now we are going to present you how to make nails stronger by using beewax.
It's a little more challenging way in terms of finding the product. But beeswax should have in almost every big store. If you find wax, melt a few grams and mix with a cooked yolk. Apply the mixture on the nails and leave for a while. You can do it every day or at least until the yolk is fit.

6. Water

Simply drinking lots of water is good for your nails. Even if your nails are dry, soft and flake, this may be a sign for a lack of hydration. You should drink at least two liters of water a day and you will not only notice an improvement in your nails, but in your hair and skin.

7. Vitamin D and calcium

Last but not least are the vitamins. Especially important for the strength of nails is Vitamin D. Moreover you also need a lot of calcium, which will further strengthen your nails. You can take a multivitamin daily doses to obtain the necessary quantities or to drink a lot of milk or yogurt to eat.
As you already have written there are so many different answers to the question how to make nails stronger. So choose your favorite and act.